Internet coupled with massive technological leaps and bounds have changed the frontier and the

‘New Face of Home Based Businesses’

It has literally enabled hundreds of thousands of people to embrace a work from home lifestyle (about time right?). Whether you are a copy editor working your next issue, or a photographer adding to a portfolio – many individuals are working a living based out of their homes and that number is growing.

What is the problem with that? Absolutely nothing… however, while wearing PJ’s a conference call sounds awesome, a lack professionalism and etiquette does more harm than good. Entrepreneurs comes with a wider berth of freedoms, yet uncontrolled excess can lead to the slippery slope of failure – and we definitely do not want that.

Dedicated Office Space

Hanging on the couch with your laptop or converting a miserable broom closet is not going to cut it. Unless you are a hippie at heart, you will more than likely find your work more efficient if you dedicate an actual office and establish a workspace. This might be a kitchen countertop, corner of the back bedroom – whatever it is, designate it. This space should have a singular purpose, your business.

I have found that zen is important. I am not always the most streamlined person *cough*, but what I HAVE mastered is zen… I realized how much better I work when I have a place to call mine. A place where I can get to business and customize anyway I need to. You may or may not have to spend hours in your home office, make it something pleasant you will actually WANT to work in.

Kill Distractions

Ok, so perhaps betweens the kids, the dog, the phone, the tv and your mother you just cannot seem to get your operational zen together – fake it til you make it. Arrange screens, bookshelves, plants or whatever else you need to cut down on environmental triggers. Take those headphones out and reacquaint yourself with some musical favorites as you get down to business. This also helps if you plan on seeing clients in your home business, give them a little ambiance to chew on.


We won’t beat you over the head..Much. You knew it was coming…

If you still struggle versus tackle with nagging clutter in 2020, understand that resting in chaos eventually reaches the equilibrium apex. In other words, it ceases to be feasible! Ever try to juggle certain necessities of life like using the bathroom in peace? Or sleep for example.

There was just no way I could do what I do well while surrounded by chaos. Every few days I found another organization tool for an issue I had. A car bag to keep receipts, new filing cabinet to handle the influx of information, a white board that stares me in the face every time I get up, dropbox folders with samples ready in case I meet a potential client, canned email responses to increase response time… the list literally goes on. It all culminated into a system that works for me and help keeps my sanity in check.

People Need Training

You know you work from home, your family knows you work from home, your friends know you work from home – if you get a personal call during your established business hours, do not be afraid to send them on to voicemail. Your associates are not the ones who will finish the Johnson file so that your bills get paid that month, so they must respect the fact you are your own boss and not always accessible whenever they feel like checking in. I get asked.. “So…WYD?” What in the seven hells do you THINK I am doing? Definitely not picking my nose, that is for sure…

These are all things we know we need to get a handle on, sometimes you just need that reiteration – you got this!

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