After years of studying health and fitness, personal triumphs, and lots of trial and error, I have to come to the conclusion that diets don’t work.

Now, let me be clear. Eating healthy is not a quick fix. It is not a fad diet. Eliminating all sugars, fats, and carbs from your diet for an extended period of time is not realistic. Yes, it is important to cut back on certain foods. No, you cannot eat what you want, and as much as you want all of the time. Here is the bottom line: eating healthy is a total lifestyle change. The keys are consistency and balance. Here are some tips for maintaining a disciplined, yet balanced lifestyle when it comes to eating right and staying active:



Change Your Spaces- Preparation
Start the week by shopping for a variety of lean meats, veggies, complex carbs, and plenty of healthy fruits and snacks. If you surround yourself with healthy, but sweet treats like yogurt and fruit, you will be less likely to eat candy or desserts. Also, instead of salty chips, try unsalted corn chips or flat bread with hummus. There are ways to curb your cravings without falling off the wagon! The key is to stock your home, car, and workspaces with healthy options so you are prepared for those cravings!



When eating out, especially a “cheat meal,” cut your portions in half. Ask your server for a to-go-box and plan to take half home before starting your meal. Remember, you are eating until you are full, not stuffed! For desserts, only purchase reasonable or smaller portions. For example, do not buy an entire pound cake at the store. Instead, buy one slice or a small loaf so you won’t be tempted to eat the entire cake!

Stay Active on the Weekends
We are all bound to have a “cheat meal” or two on the weekends because we are lounging around and enjoying leisure time with family and friends. Start your weekends with activity to boost your metabolism. It is better to start your Saturday with a Zumba class or intense cardio session, than to be completely sedentary for an entire weekend.

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