According to the CDC, consuming a diet high in natural whole foods is associated with lower risks for numerous chronic diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. For many who regularly consume processed foods, the taste of natural foods takes some getting used too. My intention here, isn’t to focus on weight loss or management. I’m not trying to sell a diet. Too often diets will have you thinking that the only way to eat healthy is bland and boring food. I’m making a plea for taste and flavor! I always tell people­—the food you eat can either free you or imprison you; but the choice is yours.

As a professional chef and a food expert, I promote nutritional education geared toward the many benefits of healthy eating. Don’t you want a body that is healthy from the inside out, that operates with computer like efficiency, without giving up taste, flavor, excitement? Well, one way to do that is—spice it up!

So, let’s take a look at one of my “must use” spices—Turmeric. Turmeric (curcuma longa) is a culinary spice that has been used for centuries, and spans many cultures. It is a major ingredient in Indian curries, and makes American mustard yellow. Along with that, evidence is accumulating that this brightly colored relative of ginger is a promising disease-preventive agent, probably due largely to its anti-inflammatory action.

Turmeric is arguably one of the most powerful herbs on the planet at fighting and potentially reversing disease. This super herb has so many healing properties, it has put it and its renowned healing agent curcumin,  at the top of the list as one of the most frequently mentioned medicinal herbs. In fact, a number of studies have even reported that using curcumin is more advantageous than certain prescription drugs. Turmeric is also loaded with many healthy nutrients such as protein, dietary fiber, niacin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.

You can buy turmeric from any supermarket – or get it raw from Asian shops or farmer’s markets. Grate a quarter of an inch of the root into your food. There’s evidence to suggest raw turmeric may have greater anti-inflammatory effects, while cooked turmeric offers better DNA protection.

If buying turmeric in supplement form, make sure to only purchase organic products from reputable companies. Because turmeric is so popular, there’s no shortage of bad actors out there peddling low quality junk that’s produced under questionable circumstances.

Research suggests that Turmeric may be helpful for the following conditions:


Turmeric can help prevent prostate cancer, stop the growth of existing prostate cancer and even destroy cancer cells. Multiple researchers have found that the active components in turmeric makes it one of the best protectors against radiation-induced tumors. It also has a preventive effect against tumor cells such as T-cell leukemia, colon carcinomas and breast carcinomas.


In more than 50 studies on turmeric’s effects in addressing Alzheimer’s disease. The reports indicate that extracts of turmeric contain a number of natural agents that block the formation of beta-amyloid, the substance responsible for the plaques that slowly obstruct cerebral function in Alzheimer’s disease.


Turmeric can be used in the treatment of diabetes by helping to moderate insulin levels. It also improves glucose control and increases the effect of medications used to treat diabetes. Another significant benefit is turmeric’s effectiveness in helping reduce insulin resistance, which may prevent the onset of Type-2 diabetes. However, when combined with strong medications, turmeric can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). It is best to consult a healthcare professional before taking turmeric capsules.


The anti-inflammatory properties in turmeric are great for treating both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, turmeric’s antioxidant property destroys free radicals in the body that damage body cells. It has been found that those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis who consume turmeric on a regular basis experience much relief from the moderate to mild joint pains as well as joint inflammation.

How can you get more turmeric into your diet to benefit your health? One way is to drink turmeric tea. There are also turmeric extracts in tablet and capsule form available in health food stores; look for super  critical extracts in dosages of 400 to 600 mg, and take three times daily or as directed on the product.

And, of course, one can simply indulge in more curried dishes, either in restaurants or at home. However you do it, adding turmeric to your diet is one of the best moves toward optimal health you can make.

Check out the Opus Recipes for Thai Curried Shrimp!

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