From Dead to Dazzling! Painted Hardwood Floors

Often times I have clients that have hardwood floors that have seen better days. If you have some hardwoods...

The ATL’s Very Own: Hank Stewart – Poet Laureate

Provocative, melodic, and deeply influential—that is the essence of American poet, Hank Stewart. His deft lyrics lure you into...

A Little Kindness Please

"Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how...

The Splendor of Reclaimed Wood Flooring

As trends come and go, this one is here to stay. Local wood reclamation, whether that wood is being...

Time To Move On

We all have picture-perfect dreams of how our lives will turn out, but life doesn't quite work like that.  Life...

The Fellowship of Fitness

By: Sher Harriss How many times have you decided, “I’m gonna do something about this weight…” You go out to...

Testimony of the Soapy Bath

Lucky me, working from home today. I had a ton of research to get done. Started the day by...

Welcome to Doughnut Heaven – Sublime Doughnuts

If you've never had a Sublime donut, then you don't know that the usual fried globs of dough, parading...

Life Through Food – Spice It Up With Turmeric!

According to the CDC, consuming a diet high in natural whole foods is associated with lower risks for numerous...

Arts Advocacy with Annique Roberts

One can only marvel at the flowetry in motion called the art of modern dance. The shear fortitude needed...

Ciara’s ‘Secret Sauce’: OAM Skin, Her New Skincare Brand To Launch...

Ciara is coming to you live with the “secret sauce” to her iconic glow. Introducing simple, clinical-level skin care,...

PNC Achieves MLT Black Equity at Work Certification

The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. ( NYSE: PNC ) announced that they have achieved the Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT)...

Georgia Ranks 38th in the Nation for Child and Family Well-Being

Children Continue to Suffer from Pandemic-Related Mental Health Issues Effects of the coronavirus crisis linger as 220,000 kids in Georgia...